Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

One of our Biggest Transform® Results… You Won’t Believe It!!

Imagine waking up every day feeling energized, ready to conquer your day with vigor and vitality.


One of the biggest concerns that women come to me with is, “I cringe at the thought of exercise. I don’t like to do it because it is painful mentally, emotionally, and physically. It even brings back old stuff from high school gym class.”

I have had hundreds of women come to me with this concern. And, because of this… one of my most favorite results that women get from Transform® is the way that they learn to love exercise. Exercise is healing, grounding, and a catalyst for empowered longevity.

Imagine waking up every day feeling energized, ready to conquer your day with vigor and vitality. This is not just a dream; it can be your reality, and I am here to guide you on this journey.

I understand that exercise, particularly strength training, may seem daunting; the thought of panting and straining might even be off-putting. But, believe it or not, strength training can be enjoyable, a source of pleasure, and not just a chore. And once you start loving it, it's game changing.

Consider Dr. J, a 45-year-old doctor and mother of two, who was constantly feeling fatigued and stressed. She was struggling with her weight and felt her health was spiraling out of control. Dr. J decided she needed to make a change and reached out to me. I worked with her to introduce my quick and effective Mind-Body workouts into her weekly routine. In fact, we started with just 1 workout weekly!

Seeing her progress, we gradually worked her up to 3, 30-minute Mind-Body workouts. Dr. J discovered she picked up on strength training very easily. She began to feel stronger, more energetic, and empowered. She was sleeping better, her stress levels reduced, and she even lost body fat. Dr. J saw the transformative power of exercise, both for her body and her mind.

Now, Dr. J is a passionate advocate for regular exercise. She has seen firsthand the difference it makes, not just in her appearance but in her zest for life. Dr. J says, "I can't even believe who I have become."

With a strategic strength training plan that suits your preferences and lifestyle, we can make exercise something you look forward to, not dread. It's not just about adding years to your life but adding life to your years. 

And, because I am so dedicated to helping you discover exercise, I want to invite you to something VERY VERY special. I have created a Transform® Preview week. You can sample our Transform® program for a week with a complimentary enrollment. Details are coming shortly so be on the lookout in your inbox!! 

See you soon!

Xo Ali

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Why We Avoid Being Present & What to Do About It Today

Here are some of the common reasons why we avoid being present in our life now.

Hands Holding Rose

Over the past couple of years, what I started to dive into more is this idea that we work so hard to create the life that we WANT. Then there comes a time when we really feel that on paper, everything looks great BUT on the inside we feel so disconnected from our life.

The magic comes when we learn how to GET INTO OUR LIFE.

So, how do we do this?? One of the things I teach in my coaching programs is how to identify the blockages that are preventing us from getting into our life. Often, we don’t want to be present in our current life because it feels so darn uncomfortable.

So, I have created a list of common reasons why it may feel difficult to want to be in the moment with your life right now. More than one will likely resonate with you. You don’t need to judge any of your thoughts surrounding this… all that is required is awareness. 

Here are some of the common reasons why we avoid being present in our life now. As you can see, all of these create tremendous discomfort. As humans, we try to avoid discomfort which translates into keeping ourselves out of the present.

Everlasting Fatigue: The relentless pace of your career leaves you constantly drained, with energy levels hitting rock bottom.

Neglected Personal Health: Amidst the rush of saving lives, your own health is often relegated to the backseat.

Burnout on the Horizon: The overwhelming job stress is leading you down the path of burnout, affecting both professional and personal life.

Overpowered by Guilt: The constant struggle between duty toward patients and personal needs often leaves you cloaked in guilt.

Lost Identity: In the role of a physician, you've lost sight of your own identity, your needs, and desires.

Lack of Self-Care: You've been so engrossed in caring for others, that self-care has become a foreign concept.

Constant Mental Stress: The high demands of your profession have burdened you with perpetual mental stress, affecting your peace of mind.

Compromised Family Time: Your professional commitments have started to encroach on your cherished family time, causing emotional distress.

Poor Lifestyle Choices: Due to time constraints and stress, you've resorted to unhealthy lifestyle choices, further deteriorating your health.

Feeling Undervalued: Despite your immense dedication and sacrifice, the feeling of being undervalued and neglected has seeped in.

So, where do we go from here???

First, let’s celebrate that you have likely achieved more awareness. Next, let’s pick the one blockage that resonates with you most. Finally, can you make one next best decision in creating a strategy to overcome this blockage?

One of the highlights of our program, Transform®, is that we help you to identify your personal blockages so you can reach your highest potential in all areas of your life. We help you enjoy the life you have worked so hard to create.

Our 7th season of Transform® begins January 8th. We are offering our early action discount if you deposit by November 30th!! We have an amazing group, and we cannot wait to share our work with you. 

You can check out all of the details of Transform® HERE. And, if it sounds good to you, you can take the next step of:

  1. Placing your deposit for your early action pricing

  2. Watching our Transform® 7.0 Info Session Replay

We are so excited about what is possible for you!

Talk soon!

Xo Ali

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Focusing on Physical Health to Prevent Physician Burnout? Really?

The strategies to achieve optimal physical health are simple. Learn my top tips here.

Woman Physician

By now, we have all heard that coaching is one of the gold standards for treating physician burnout. It is an amazing tool that is helping our profession to regain empowerment, self-compassion, and autonomy.

One of the areas of physician health that I love to focus on is the optimization of our physical health. Now, there are many reasons for this beyond the fact that our profession is physically demanding. In fact, improving physical health is crucial in preventing physician burnout.

Here’s why:

  • Engaging in regular physical activity and maintaining a balanced diet not only fosters physical well-being, but also significantly reduces stress. Additionally, a healthy diet fuels the body, heightening energy levels and overall vitality.

  • Regular exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural mood-boosters, which can help combat the worry and anxiety often associated with demanding professional environments.

  • Increased stamina from optimal physical health strategies can better equip us to manage the high-stress situations that we encounter daily. 

  • Prioritizing physical health can also lead to improved sleep, which is essential for recovery and endurance. 

  • Through a physical health focus, we as physicians can foster resilience, thus preventing burnout, and enabling us to continue providing exceptional care to our patients while also caring for ourselves.

  • When we prioritize our own health, we are taking back the power of how we choose to show up for ourselves and those who depend on us.

And there is more:

The strategies to achieve optimal physical health are simple. In fact, I am going to share my top strategies right here today. Now, knowledge is one thing. The implementation is another. It is important that we start small and set realistic goals, plus enlist a support system to help keep you accountable.

Here are my top physical health strategies I want to share with you: 

Meet Yourself Where You Are NOW. If you can find love, acceptance, and compassion for where you are now, you will be willing to invest in yourself for the long haul. 

Set Realistic Goals And Ask For Help in planning a sustainable program that is specific to you. In other words, get to know yourself and what you need so you can have a program designed for your unique needs.

Engage in a Strength Training Program. The goal is 3 days per week, and 30 minutes per session is plenty. If you aren’t familiar with safe programming, find a source that you trust to program your routines.

Get Your Steps. Long hours of cardio is not going to be sustainable. So unless you are training for a race, start to think of how you are engaging in cardio. Now, if you love it - great, keep doing it. However, if you are doing it because you think you should, it is time to rethink.
Getting 5k or more steps per day will improve your cardiovascular health and longevity. So take the stairs and avoid the hospital shuttle (if you can), even park further away. Steps save lives!

Eat Your Protein! Most of us just don’t eat enough protein consistently. This will prevent us from optimizing body composition, which is so important if we are going to age into a functionally fit older adult. Don’t know how much? Get advice from a trusted source; you will be so glad you did.

Get Snobby with Your Extras. Eat the cake. Drink the bourbon. Just make it the best. That means no more stale cupcakes from the doctor’s lounge.  

Get Into Your Life. Often, when we are so emotionally dysregulated, we avoid our life. We want you in the life you have worked so hard to create. Learn some emotional processing techniques and understand the blocks you are facing so you can release them… all of them.

Your Health is Non-negotiable. Investing in our vessel is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. And, I am so passionate about it that I have created a company just for physician health. And, you can earn CME Credit all while you are taking care of yourself. Sounds like a Win-Win to me. 

Join me this January as we embark on season 7 of Transform®. I will be with you every step of the way as you experience physician coaching in a whole new way.

You can learn more about Transform® 7.0 HERE. Please note, we are offering $1,000 off until November 30th, 2023 as a fast action bonus!! We would love to see you in our amazing group.

Learn more HERE.

I also hosted a live info session this past week, where I answered the questions we get about the program. It was so much fun! Check it out below...


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Can Women in Perimenopause and Menopause Change Their Body Composition?

Can womendecrease body fat AND increase muscle mass during perimenopause and menopause? It’s important to explore what we are up against before we dive into the solution.

Woman with Clock

One of the biggest concerns that women physicians come to me with is whether or not they can decrease body fat AND increase muscle mass during perimenopause and menopause.

While the answer is a big enthusiastic “YES!!!!”- I think it is important to explore what we are up against before we dive into the solution.

Once we hit the age of 30, we begin to naturally lose muscle mass if it is not attended to. Further, there are some other key physiological changes that we start seeing around the age of 40. 

We start to see: 

  1. Hormonal Changes: Women over 40 often experience hormonal changes brought on by perimenopause or menopause. These changes can have profound effects on our health, causing symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain, which can significantly impact their quality of life. Often our mental health suffers as we start to experience these changes.

  2. Decrease in Bone Health: The risk for osteoporosis increases for women over 40, making bone health a significant concern. Regular resistance and balance exercises are crucial during this time to sustain bone density and overall strength.

  3. Cardiovascular Health Concerns: Heart disease risk increases after 40, and it's the leading cause of death for women. Maintaining a healthy diet and incorporating regular physical activity are key practices for heart health.

  4. Metabolic Changes: As women age, metabolism slows, which can lead to weight gain and increased risk of conditions like diabetes. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help manage these changes

Now, let’s simplify:

Physiologically speaking, our hormone changes can create mood changes and often we don’t feel our best given the same circumstances. Then as bone and muscle mass potentially decrease, so does our basal metabolic rate. Then, we inevitably gain body fat.

We may start to go into a negative thought spiral thinking that we have to allow perimenopause and menopause to happen to us. Potentially we may become less active because our shift in body weight makes us less likely to want to move, and we will then have an even bigger risk of cardiovascular disease.

Really the perfect set-up to feel absolutely defeated and as if it is all downhill from here. And, it’s not. Simple strategies can correct all of this. And even more exciting, there are just 3! To embrace perimenopause and menopause and experience our best health yet we have to consider and remain consistent with 3 things:

  1. Strength Training. Strength Training will increase our muscle mass, enhance our bone mass, increase BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor), prevent injury, give us more energy, strength and confidence.
    So how much? We are talking (10-30 minutes) 3 times per week. That’s all it takes when you have proper strategy and consistency.

  2. Eating Adequate Protein. Most of us are not eating enough protein. Protein will enhance our metabolism, preserve muscle mass, and improve satiety. And, I am not talking about counting macros.
    We can determine the minimum requirement for your goals and stay consistent with it. This is really where women start to see significant improvement in body composition.

  3. Steps. Forget planned cardio (unless you love it). Work toward getting 5k steps or more each day, which can improve cardiovascular health and longevity.
    When we start to increase our steps, and we do so consistently, this strategy will be more effective than hours of planned cardio. And, it will not increase our appetite to an obnoxious level like long endurance cardio does.

In my Transform® community, Women Physicians come together to create the most optimal health for themselves, which allows them to show up exactly how they want in all other aspects of their life.

Transform® is a 72-CME program that combines a mental, emotional, and physical health strategy to help you become the fittest version of you inside and out.

For the low-down on our early action bonus, click HERE.

Check out the replay of our info session, where I give you all the details, by clicking below!


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Top 5 Obstacles That Challenge Our Optimal Health as Women Physicians

Addressing the biggest obstacles Women Physicians face when trying to prioritize their own health.


As I prepare for our 7th season of Transform®, I wanted to make sure that I was being excessively thorough in addressing the biggest obstacles Women Physicians face when trying to prioritize their own health.

Listed below are the obstacles that I hear again and again. And, our Transform® program addresses each and every one. If you are worried about “Time,” I want to reassure you that Transform® was strategically created for women physicians so that extra time is not necessary. In fact, you will create time in your life.

Look what Dr. BG has to say:

“Yesterday you said I am seeing results because I am so consistent, and what I wanted to share with you is that YOU have made it extremely manageable to be consistent in Transform by clearly being super thoughtful in how you laid it out.

I have three young kids, a full time job with 16 hours of volunteer clinic on top of it, and am getting my coaching certification, yet I truly do not have trouble finding time for Transform thanks to the way you have set it up with 30 minute workouts, coaching call replays, and the amazing Fit Collective app.

The program offers so much but the way it is distributed makes it so wonderfully consumable. So thank you again!!!”

Now, here are the other obstacles that we as Women Physicians face AND that Transform® creates strategies for.

  1. Balancing Professional and Personal Life: Women physicians often struggle to find a balance between their demanding careers and their personal life. This can lead to stress, burnout, and a lack of time to focus on their own health and well-being.

    In Transform®, we create a safe space for you to prioritize your mental, emotional, physical, and energetic health. In fact, we help you to say “No” to the things that are unnecessary and “Yes” to the things that fill you up. In Transform® you create beautiful boundaries to protect the life that you will curate, driven by your core desires.

  2. The Mental Toll: The high-stakes and emotionally draining nature of their work can lead to significant mental health challenges, including anxiety and depression. This emotional burden can make it more difficult to maintain healthy habits and routines.

    In Transform®, we teach tools and strategies to help you optimize your ability to find emotional regulation so you can live a much more grounded and peaceful life. In fact, our strategies are cutting edge and adapted from DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) techniques.

  3. Physical Exhaustion: Long hours, night shifts, and the physically demanding nature of their work can lead to chronic fatigue. This exhaustion can hinder their ability to exercise regularly and maintain a healthy diet.

    In Transform®, we keep it simple. We will help you to work smarter, not harder to implement sustainable nutrition and exercise programming that will allow for more strength, energy, and favorable body composition. We teach you Mindful Macros® so you aren’t counting, weighing, or measuring, AND I lead you through every strength training session with my signature on-demand Mind-Body Workouts, which change each week.

    In the 6-months, we will work out 72-times together and each workout offers a new coaching topic for inspiration. In 30-minutes just 3-times per week, you will work on your mental, emotional, and physical health. Our exclusive HardCore & Floor Series will help you to achieve more functional fitness so that you can prevent injury and set yourself up for long term success. Yes, you will carry your groceries when you are 90!

  4. Societal Expectations: Women physicians often face societal pressures and expectations that can add an additional layer of stress. These expectations can distract from their own health needs and may contribute to feelings of guilt when taking time for self-care.

    In Transform®, we help you to see that taking care of you FIRST is non-negotiable. When you show up for you, you show up as the best version of you in all aspects of your life. And, when you feel guilty working out for 30-minutes rather than spending time with your kids… remember, your kids will benefit more when you are the optimal version of you!!

  5. Lack of Support: Many women physicians report a lack of support in their workplaces for their own health and well-being. This can range from a lack of understanding from colleagues to systemic issues within the healthcare sector that don't prioritize physician health. This lack of support can make it difficult for women physicians to prioritize their own health.

    In Transform®, we reserve this program for women physicians. You will find the most amazing community of women who are all working toward the most optimal version of themselves. This creates a very high vibrational energy force. When we experience this, we become unstoppable and begin to believe that anything is possible.

Find out all about Transform® 7.0 and if our amazing 72-Credit CME program is the right community for you!!! Our fast action bonus runs through November 30, and you won’t want to miss it!

Feel free to share with a Woman Doc who may want to join you!


Watch the replay of our recent live info session where I share all the details below:

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Do This, Not That, for Your Health

Tips to help you promote sustainable, optimal health.


I hope you had an amazing week. It was a busy week for me as I had the opportunity to be interviewed for several podcasts on optimal health. And, as I reflected on all of the different concepts I talked about, I thought that this week I would share with you some key strategies that I use to help my clients become ultra successful in their pursuit of optimal health.

For fun, I thought I would use a Do This, Not That Format!!

This is a fun way to challenge limiting beliefs to help you consider a different work smarter, not harder strategy.

So, here we go:

1) Do This: Aim to get 5,000 steps per day. It's a reasonable and achievable goal to start with. Walking is a low-impact exercise that can easily fit into your daily routine. You could make small changes such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking further away at the store, or going on a short walk during your lunch break. Every step you take is a step toward better health!

Not That: Don't be disheartened if you can't run a marathon or hit the gym for hours. Remember, it's not about setting unreachable goals that can lead to disappointment. It's about making small, consistent changes that add up over time. So, swap that daunting workout plan for a simple step goal and witness a transformation in your health journey.

2) Do This: Commit to strength training for an hour each week. This doesn't have to be an hour all at once - it could be split into two 30-minute sessions or even four 15-minute quick workouts. Strength training is essential for maintaining lean muscle mass, boosting your metabolism, and improving bone density. You can even do it at home with just bodyweight exercises or light dumbbells.

Not That: Don't fall into the trap of thinking that more is always better. Overtraining can lead to injuries, exhaustion, and may even halt your progress. It's not about spending countless hours lifting weights or pushing yourself beyond your limits every day. It's about incorporating balanced, targeted strength training into your routine, and giving your body the rest it needs to recover and grow stronger. Remember, consistency trumps intensity every time.

3) Do This: Know visually what three servings of protein looks like per day, and eat that. Protein is essential for repairing and building tissues, making enzymes, and strengthening your immune system. A single serving of protein could be a chicken breast, a cup of cottage cheese, a cup of cooked lentils, or a scoop of protein powder. By consuming three servings per day, you're not just feeding your body with what it needs, but you're also keeping your metabolism active and your hunger at bay.

Not That: Don't fall into the trap that you have to obsessively count macros to get results. For many, counting macros is unrealistic and will lead to the feeling of restriction.

4) Do This: Limit your alcohol intake to four drinks or less per week. Mindful drinking promotes better sleep, improved mood, and overall greater health and well-being. Reducing your alcohol consumption also helps maintain a healthy weight as alcoholic drinks are often high in calories and provide little nutritional value.

Not That: Avoid falling into the habit of all-or-none thinking. You do not have to get rid of a glorious and snobby glass of wine, just mindfully choose your consumption.

5) Do This: Limit your added sugar intake. Sugars occur naturally in foods such as fruit and milk, but we need to watch out for added sugars, which are added during processing and preparation. Added sugars add extra calories without providing any nutritional benefits, and consuming too much can lead to weight gain and health issues like heart disease and diabetes. Start by reading food labels and choosing products with less added sugars. Switch out soda and sugary drinks for water or unsweetened beverages, and satisfy your sweet tooth with a piece of fresh fruit.

Not That: Don't be fooled into thinking that 'natural' sugars like honey or agave syrup are healthier. Added sugar is still sugar, regardless of its source. Instead of focusing on finding 'healthier' sugars, aim to reduce your overall intake. Remember, moderation is key. It's not about completely eliminating all sugary foods, but rather making mindful, informed choices about your diet.

6) Do This: Get snobby with your extras. Extras refer to the additional elements you add to your diet or lifestyle. We want you to focus on the quality of your extras. Make them good!

Not That: Don't eat freezer burn ice cream because it's there. You deserve the very best. This will lead to more compassion and a better relationship with food.

7) Do This: Learn emotional regulation techniques to manage stress and avoid falling into unhealthy habits. Practice mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or meditative journaling to stay centered and calm. Cherish the power of positive affirmations; remind yourself daily that you're strong, you're capable, and you're on your way to becoming the best version of yourself.

Not That: Don’t blame yourself for indulging in a habit. This habit is there for a reason. Typically to make us feel better emotionally. Let's explore the emotional side of our health to make long lasting changes.

Well, there you have it. Just some little tips to help you promote sustainable optimal health.

Sending you all the love!

xo Ali

P.S. Transform® 7.0 spots are being enrolled!! Find out more about our program and the early action bonus HERE . And, yes we give 72-CME credits for you to optimize your health!

Curious what others are asking about the program? I hosted a live info session where I give all the details. Click below to watch!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

The Power Within: Meeting Yourself Where You Are

Let's celebrate the progress you've made, and look forward to the journey that lies ahead.

Electric Heart

I wanted to take a moment to remind you of an important truth - it's perfectly okay to meet yourself where you are. You are enough, just as you are, right in this moment.

Often, we're told to aim high, to reach for the stars. While ambition is vital, it's equally important to acknowledge where you currently stand. It's in acknowledging our starting point that we truly begin to move forward. Remember, every step you've taken has led you to where you are today and that in itself is a journey worth celebrating.

It's okay if you aren't where you thought you'd be by now. Life is not a race, it's a personal journey. Meet yourself where you are, and love yourself in your current state. Embrace your strengths, accept your weaknesses, and know that you are still growing.

Remember, you are a masterpiece and a work in progress. So, let's celebrate the progress you've made, and look forward to the journey that lies ahead.

Believe in yourself, for you are capable of extraordinary things.

Sending you love,



We are planning for our 7th round of our flagship program, Transform®. If you haven’t heard, Transform® is our 6-month, high touch coaching program for women physicians where we focus on all aspects of your health: mental, emotional, physical, and energetic.

Transform® offers 72-CME credits and within the program you will find the most amazing community of women physicians. Our community fosters work toward self-love, self-acceptance, connection, strength, growth, and so much more.

In Transform® 7.0, you will not only have your nutrition and exercise managed, but you will also have all of the tools for curating an optimal mindset, emotional regulation, and energy conservation.

The program is designed for busy women physicians and all workouts last no longer than 30-minutes. Plus, with our new Hardcore and Floor series, we help you to create a new foundation for functional fitness.

Over the course of the 6-months, you will be working with me and one other coach. We keep our coaching team small in Transform® to promote a more intimate feel to the program. And, we find that with this type of set up, we can help facilitate your willingness to be seen. When we feel seen, we can be vulnerable. When we are willing to be vulnerable… we can expect massive growth.

Learn more by clicking below!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Sharing my 2024 Blueprint!!

I want to take an opportunity to share with you how I will be approaching 2024. For me, 2024 is all about energy.


I hope you had a phenomenal week. Our team is regrouping this week as we prepare our 2024 offerings, including new content and programs.

With that being said… we are heading into November, which means holidays are coming up. And, with the holidays comes a time for reflection and connection as we think about what we want for ourselves in the New Year.

So, today I want to take an opportunity to share with you how I will be approaching 2024. For me, 2024 is all about energy.

This means that I will commit to 3 things:

  1. I will shine my shield and have it prepared to handle any negative energy that can sometimes sneak in.

  2. I will nurture myself in mind, body, and spirit so I can contain and foster as much positive energy as possible.

  3. I will create a guarded portal that is available for new experiences, opportunities, thoughts, adventures, and anything that can help me to get into my life and grow on my journey.

Next, I will define 3 responsibilities that I have for each category. This will allow me to formulate a blueprint for how I can show up in a way that can support who I am becoming.

  1. Shield Responsibilities. My shield will allow me to own what is mine and not take on (thoughts, feelings, burdens, etc.) that are not mine. My shield will also allow me to say "No" to what no longer serves me. My shield will remind me that I get to make decisions that serve me, even if they disappoint others.

  2. Mind, Body, Spirit Nurturing Responsibilities. I will clean out my mindset closet of thoughts that no longer serve me; I can donate them to the trash can. I will get my steps and move my body lovingly and with tremendous gratitude for what it does for me. I will connect with my family often because this is what fills me up the most.

  3. Portal Responsibilities. I will identify what I need for peace and let more of that in. I will identify what I need for freedom and let more of that in. I will identify what I need for meaningful connection and let more of that in.

And, this is where it all starts for me. This is my blueprint that will help me to create my further plans. The Portal Plans are the most exciting.

So, let me tell you about a few things I am planning.

  1. Peace. More reading. More rest. Less phone. Less business.

  2. Freedom. Stop trying to fit where I don't belong and believe in my path forward.

  3. Connection. Quarterly date weekends with Mark (no business, no kids, no phones… just us).

I am so excited to think through the details further, and I invite you to do this along with me!!


P.S. Transform® 7.0 is enrolling now with an early action offer. Check it out HERE!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

My Top 10 Take-Homes from Our Utah Retreat

There are so many things I learned at our retreat at Red Mountain Resort this past week; here are some of the pearls I want to share.

Utah 2023 Retreat - Red Mountain Resort

I had the pleasure of hosting a retreat for 50 members of our community last week.

We were repeat visitors to St. George, Utah at The Red Mountain Resort. This year was very special because each member in attendance came ready. I am humbled by the strength and beauty all in one room. The group had the desire to see each other and to be seen. We got vulnerable and as a result, we have all experienced massive awareness and growth.

There are so many things that I learned at our retreat, and here are some of the pearls I want to share.

  1. It all starts with feeling safe in our body. Safety in our body is often something we overlook. And, many of us don't have a standing practice to check in with this. When we can confirm that we are safe, we will allow ourselves to be seen. And, this is when we can really start to dive in and experience massive growth.

  2. Our natural energy matters. At the retreat, we discussed our natural energy levels and our tendencies based on these levels. This exercise gave us awareness into why we may seek out certain people, places, and things. That our own authentic energy can be supported in a way that allows us to live our life with purpose.

  3. Our vibrational energy also matters. We like to call this our "vibe." The beautiful thing about vibrational energy is that we can actually increase it. You have heard the phrases "low vibe" and "high vibe." When we are in high vibe, we are choosing a growth mindset. This means that we have to check our ego at the door, set boundaries, and even make some massive changes with where we are spending our time. Remember, low vibe can seek low vibe and high vibe, but high vibe will seek high vibe.

  4. We all have intuition and a higher self we can refer to whenever we want. The issue is that we are often living in stress mode. When we are in stress mode, we are not regulated emotionally, and we cannot access what we know to be true. In order to tap into our intuition, we have to put daily practices in place to stay more grounded. In fact, we shouldn't be waiting until we are stressed to ground. We should ground ahead of time. At the retreat, I asked each member to leave with one grounding technique that they will implement daily.

  5. Understanding our core desires is different than understanding our core values. Our core desires are those emotions we want to feel and live our life by. For example, my core desires are connection, peace, love, and freedom. When we are clear on our desires, we can use them to help make decisions. We can simply ask ourselves: Is this decision honoring at least one core desire?

  6. Discomfort is growth. We are comfortable with familiar things. We are not comfortable with unfamiliar things. So, we have a choice. We can be comfortable where we are OR we can choose to move ahead AND honor the discomfort. After all, nothing has gone wrong.

  7. It's not all or none. All we ever have to do is the baseline minimum which will allow us to show up with consistency. It also allows us to set realistic expectations. When we do this, we show up for ourselves in a way that will allow us to build a loving, trusting relationship with ourselves.

  8. You may have to leave spaces that once served you. With growth, you will have to evaluate where you are spending your time. The future version of you will likely exist in a different space. Honor where you came from and also honor where you are going.

  9. Asking for help is a power move. Very few do it without guilt. What if you could? Just as much as you like to be helpful, so do others. Decide what you need help with AND ask for it.

  10. A way to protect precious energy and emotional health is to start being very clean on owning ONLY what is ours to own AND not owning other people's stuff. Drop that burden right now. It is not helping you or the other person. When someone tries to give you their emotional garbage, ask yourself… is this mine? Refuse to carry burdens that are not yours!!

We have some amazing things coming your way. Transform® 7.0 (72-CME) begins Jan. 8th, 2024!! And we have an early OFFER for you. If you deposit for 7.0 by November 30th, you can take the program for $6,000. This is a $1,000 savings. Price increases on Dec. 1st. Monthly payments are available to begin 2 weeks prior to the start of the program.

Members who deposit by Nov. 30th will get my SPECIAL Fit Through the Holidays workout series that will be released the month of December. These are quick and effective and will bring energy and a smile to your holiday season.

Next steps: Check out all of the details HERE. And if you are ALL-IN, join the interest list, which will then send you a link with our special discount offer. Remember, deposit must be received by November 30th!!!


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Allowing Yourself to be Cared For

My work is realizing that being taken care of means so many different things. And, for me to feel taken care of, I will need to release into the energy that tells me I can sit back a bit, relax, enjoy, and that someone has my back.

Ali + Mark Novitsky

I have to say that this year has been full. When I say full… I mean full in every way you can imagine. Ups and downs combined with questions and curiosity. This year has driven me to think outside the box, getting to know myself even better.

I want to share with you an amazing experience I had this weekend where I joined several others in a circle to learn a new way of healing. It is called Systemic Constellation Work. What is Systemic Constellation Work? Systemic Constellations offer the release of biographical and generational trauma to deepen your relationship with yourself.

And… that's all you need to know for now. Because the purpose of this post is to let you in on the breakthrough I had through this work.

In my life, I have carried this belief that I can do everything and take care of everyone ALL-THE-TIME. The truth is that this is not realistic. This thinking sets ourselves up for not being able to ask for help or to be taken care of.

We can often see this come up in intimate relationships. 

My husband, Mark, is INCREDIBLE. Because he is so secure in his masculine energy, he allowed me to hang out in mine as often as I wanted.

Now, a couple of issues here:

  1. I feel stressed in Masculine Energy while I feel light in Feminine Energy.

  2. When I flex my Masculine Energy, we lose the polarity in our intimate relationship, which can create conflict.

I take away Mark's ability to enjoy being the man that he is.

So, essentially I was flexing to an energy that I don't like, which was taking away some of Mark's role. Why was I doing this???? Without going into the origin of why I am this way, I was doing this because it felt uncomfortable to release into someone completely taking care of me. This felt very vulnerable, yet I felt safe.

This realization set the stage for an amazing conversation between Mark and I. And, it went like this:

Ali: "I want to be taken care of by you AND not feel guilty that I am not just doing it myself."

Mark: "I want to be the best husband I can be and take care of you - this would make me so happy."

Ali: "Ok."

Mark: "Ok."

My work is realizing that being taken care of means so many different things. And, for me to feel taken care of, I will need to release into the energy that tells me I can sit back a bit, relax, enjoy, and that someone has my back. Further, someone wants to have my back. 

Here is the surprising beauty. Things changed before my eyes. It was me saying yes to my feminine energy that allowed Mark to settle into his authentic energy, too. The polarization is wider now. Which means.... yes, more attraction in the physical, mental, and emotional. And, this is a place that I want to stay.

So, I ask you: what would happen if you allowed yourself to be taken care of? Sit with it… reflect on it. It seemed foreign and scary AND I am so glad I leaned in.


P.S. Transform® Interest list is open!! Learn more HERE.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

What Pink Taught Me About Turbulence

When Pink's song Turbulence was performed, I knew I needed to write about it this week, and share a powerful tool for centering yourself and cultivating inner safety.

Ali + Betsy

I just had the pleasure of attending my very first Pink concert AND it was amazing.

Mark and I took the girls which was incredible because they forgot about the ERAS tour we never got tickets to. Hah!

I was in awe as I watched Pink during her aerial acrobatic routine… she did not miss a note even being completely inverted in air. Her voice, her strength, her energy, her presence. And, her opener, the amazing Brandi Carlile, was outstanding. I never thought that I would be the person to cry at a concert and during their duet - I cried. I was moved.

What I realized during this moment is that I get to choose to be moved whenever I want. And, it feels good to be moved, to be in my life, to be feeling all the things. So, when Pink's song Turbulence was performed, I knew that I needed to write about it this week.

Pink sings,

"Aye, if you're alive (you're alive)
Then it means that you're committed to survive (to survive)
That's enough to drain the life from you sometimes (sometimes)

But I hold on tight (tight) You can't help when your stomach sinks, see your life happen in a flash, (in a flash yeah)

In your head it could be so real that you almost feel the crash (feel the crash oh-oh)
The panic is temporary but I'll be permanent (permanent)
So when it hits, don't forget as scary as it gets

It's just turbulence"

Her words resonate so much with the idea that we can lean into the discomfort AND be safe.

So, as always… I want to give you a strategy that I teach my clients to lean into the discomfort, knowing that they are safe. When we can feel safe from within, we can go to all the depths that we need to in order to find ourselves.

The "Safe in My Body" exercise is a powerful tool for centering yourself and cultivating inner safety.

To start, find a comfortable, quiet space where you can sit undisturbed for a few moments.

Close your eyes and take three deep breaths, allowing the air to fill your lungs, and then slowly release it. As you breathe, imagine a shield of protective light enveloping you, ensuring nothing harmful can enter.

Next, place your hand over your heart, grounding yourself in the sensation of your heartbeat. Remind yourself of your strength and resilience. Say aloud or in your mind, "I am safe. I am strong. I am capable."

Finally, ask yourself on a scale of 1-10 how safe you feel in your body. It doesn't matter what number you report; the idea is that the more often you do a safety check, you will see the number increase. You can prove to yourself that you are the keeper of your safety.

We can't control all of the circumstances around us, but remember, we can always control how we respond. After all, as Pink would say, turbulence is temporary, but your inner strength is permanent.

Sending you so much love,


Our 2024 offerings are here:

Fit Woman Collective™
Transform® 7.0 Waitlist (72 CME Credits)
Transform® Energy Application (2 spots available)

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Getting to Know Your Energetic Vibe

In our fast-paced, always-on world, protecting and conserving our energy is more critical than ever before. Your energy is your power - protect it!

Energy Spiral

In our fast-paced, always-on world, protecting and conserving our energy is more critical than ever before.

It's not just about physical vitality, but also about maintaining our mental and emotional health. We all have a finite amount of energy, and it's crucial to spend it wisely on activities that uplift us, bring us joy, and contribute to our overall well-being. Remember, every moment you invest in something is a moment of your life.

So, be discerning about where and on whom you spend your energy, because your energy is precious. Be firm in setting boundaries that help conserve your energy and respect your limits. Your energy is your power - protect it!

More recently, I have been exploring the idea of elevating our unique "vibrational" energy. Vibrational energy is a profound concept, deeply rooted in the laws of energy conservation and physics. When we talk about vibrational energy in terms of human beings, we're referring to the energy that every individual emits. It's an invisible force that profoundly influences our experiences, our environment, and even our physical and mental health. It's the energy that is in constant exchange when we interact with others or with our surroundings.

This energy has a frequency, a rhythm of its own, and it changes depending on our emotions, thoughts, and physical well-being. Understanding and harnessing our vibrational energy can lead to a more balanced, harmonious, and fulfilling life.

Elevating your vibrational energy requires self-awareness, discipline, and a commitment to personal development. Start with mindfulness - be conscious of your thoughts, actions, and emotions. Recognize that negativity, anger, and stress lower your vibrational energy. Aim to replace these feelings with positivity, love, and peace. 

I will say that all of our programming really focuses on helping individuals to increase their vibrational energy or their energetic vibe. Things like mindset work, emotional regulation, exercise, consuming nourishing foods, meditation, empowering community engagement, and promotion of growth mindset will increase our vibe.

We also must pay attention to what we consume, both in terms of food and media. Surround yourself with people, places, and things that raise your vibe. How will you know? You will feel it. Remember, elevating your vibrational energy is a journey, not a destination. Be patient with yourself as you progress on this path.

We are so excited about the exciting things we have to offer you!! First, today is THE LAST DAY to check out Fit Woman Collective™ for free. This is open to anyone who identifies as a woman; it’s not a doctors-only program. Enter discount code FWCLOVE at checkout. Enroll HERE.

Want to experience a full life Transformation? Transform® 7.0 now has its interest list open. This is our signature CME program for women physicians where we work closely together x 6 months. We will be revealing our early bird offer soon. Get on the list HERE.

All-in on Energy? My small group this year is called Transform® Energy. This is my year-long small group that will be learning all about concepts to optimize health, driven from my Energy Medicine Curriculum. Please note, this group is an application and interview process. You can read more HERE.

Sending love and Energy!!



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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

A Positive Spin On Thought Spirals

Harnessing thought spirals for self-compassion is a transformative practice that bolsters emotional well-being. It paves the way for empathy, understanding, and most importantly, self-love.


Did you ever notice that when we talk about thought spirals, typically they come with a negative connotation? What if I told you that thought spirals actually can serve a benefit? After all, if it is easy to go into a thought spiral, then that habit must be useful for something… right?

It's essential to remember that thought spirals can be incredibly positive. It's through these spirals, these deep dives into our psyche, that we truly understand who we are.

Each twist and turn in our mind's labyrinth offers a new perspective, an unprecedented opportunity for self-discovery. These seemingly endless chains of thoughts can help us unearth our hidden desires, fears, and ambitions - driving us toward self-improvement and personal growth.

Embrace these spirals as they come, for they are not your enemies, but guides on your journey toward self-realization.

Harnessing the power of thought spirals for deep reflection is a transformative journey, one that enables us to delve into the core of our being. As we navigate through this cognitive spiral staircase, we encounter our deepest thoughts and emotions, providing us with profound insights about ourselves. This practice of deep reflection, although challenging at times, paves the way for personal growth and enlightenment. So, we can step into our mind's arena, embrace the spiraling thoughts, and let them guide us on a path of self-discovery and self-improvement.

Harnessing thought spirals for self-compassion is a transformative practice that bolsters emotional well-being. It paves the way for empathy, understanding, and most importantly, self-love.

This journey starts with recognizing and acknowledging your thoughts and emotions without judgment. As you traverse your mind's winding corridors, embrace every thought and feeling with kindness and gentleness.

Remind yourself that every experience, every emotion is a part of the human journey. This practice, though seemingly small, fosters a nurturing environment within your mind, a safe haven for self-compassion to blossom. So, venture into these spirals with love and patience, witness your vulnerability, and let these journeys ignite the spark of self-compassion in your heart.

Here is how I like to handle my own personal thought spirals:

  1. Notice that I am having one, without judgment.

  2. Ask myself, what is this thought spiral trying to solve?

  3. Invite myself to be curious about the trigger of the thought spiral.

  4. Allow the discomfort of what I might find from my deep self-reflection.

  5. Take note of patterns for particular spirals that occur.

Also, our thought spirals will seem slower when we embrace them rather than avoid them. So, get after that deep reflection and chance for even more self compassion!

We have some awesome things coming your way… so we want to keep you in the loop.

Now is your last chance to take advantage of our FREE 30-day in Fit Woman Collective™. In 2-week’s time, we will no longer have this offer available. This is a great opportunity to try out our amazing program open to all women!! You can learn more about our program HERE. Be sure to use code FWCLOVE at checkout to receive your first month free.

Transform® 7.0 is gearing up to begin in Jan, 2024. This is our comprehensive optimal health program for Women Physicians which comes with 72-CME credits. We have an early bird special coming, so if you want to consider joining us and taking advantage, join our Transform® 7.0 waitlist HERE.

Wishing you an amazing week! 

Talk Soon!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Harnessing the Power of Grounding Techniques for Emotional Regulation

Emotional regulation plays a pivotal role in our mental health, interpersonal relationships, and how we confront life's challenges. Techniques for managing our reactions and dealing with stress.


One of my favorite things to talk about is emotional regulation and the impact it can have on our overall well-being.

Emotional regulation is the process through which we manage and respond to an emotionally charged situation. It plays a pivotal role in our mental health, interpersonal relationships, and how we confront life's challenges.

One effective method for emotional regulation is the use of grounding techniques.

Grounding techniques are strategies that can help us stay focused on the present when our mind starts to dwell on distressing or traumatic memories. These techniques can bring us back to the present moment and reduce the intensity of our emotional reactions.

  1. 5-4-3-2-1 Sensory Awareness: This technique involves focusing on your senses to anchor you in the present. Identify five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste.

  2. Breathing Techniques: Deep, controlled breathing can help reduce anxiety and panic. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding for a count of four, and exhaling for a count of four.

  3. Body Scan: Progressively tense and then relax each muscle group in your body. Start from your toes and work your way up to your head. This helps you to focus on physical sensations and diverts your attention from distressing thoughts.

  4. Mindfulness Meditation: By focusing on your breath or a mantra, you can draw your attention away from negative thoughts. 

  5. Nature Connection: Interacting with the natural world can be incredibly grounding. This can involve walking barefoot on grass, gardening, or even hugging a tree. The tactile sensations can serve to draw your focus away from distressing thoughts and into the physical world.

It's entirely normal to feel overwhelmed at times, and during such moments, it might seem impossible to even consider using a grounding technique. It's essential in these instances to remember that it's ok to ask for help and in the meantime, a powerful tool is also distraction. 

Distraction gets a bad reputation because it gets confused with buffering, which can lead to habits that don't serve us. What I want to offer is that distraction, if used with a boundary, can be self-serving.

For example, if you are at a high stress level, you can allow 10-minutes of a phone scroll as long as you stick to the 10-minutes. This will allow you to deescalate so you can use a grounding technique.

Here are a few quick distraction techniques that can help you to manage your stress levels and regain emotional balance:

  1. Physical Activity: Engaging in a short burst of physical activity, like doing jumping jacks or push-ups, can release endorphins and clear your mind.

  2. Listen to Music: Put on your favorite calming soundtrack or uplifting tunes to shift your focus and mood.

  3. Watch a Video: Short, interesting, or humorous videos can provide a welcome distraction from your worries.

  4. Mindful Coloring: This activity isn't just for kids! Coloring has a calming effect and can help divert your attention from distressing thoughts.

  5. Reading: Diving into a good book, even for a few minutes, can transport you to another world, providing a respite from your current stress.

  6. Puzzles or Games: Engage your brain in a crossword puzzle, Sudoku, or a quick mobile game to shift your focus.

  7. Aromatherapy: Engaging your sense of smell can also serve as a distraction. Light a scented candle or use essential oils to help your mind relax.

  8. Write or Draw: Expressing your thoughts and feelings through words or sketches can serve as a powerful distraction.

Remember, the key to effective distraction is to keep it time-bound and not let it become a form of procrastination or avoidance. These techniques are meant to provide temporary relief and help you regain composure to tackle the situation more effectively.

Wishing you the best week!


P.S. The Fit Woman Collective™ (FWC) program is open and rolling in our custom app! The energy is palpable and the vibe is high. Last month, we welcomed 150 members, and we have extended our free 30-day trial through the month of September.

Learn more HERE. Be sure to use code FWCLOVE to take advantage of your first month free.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Designing a Life Around Your Core Desires

By identifying and understanding our core desires, we can align our goals and actions to create a life that is genuinely fulfilling and meaningful.

Heart with Light

I am writing to share some thoughts on a concept that's been resonating with me lately — designing our lives around our core desires. 

Often, we find ourselves living according to societal expectations or norms, which may deviate from our innate passions and desires. However, by identifying and understanding our core desires, we can align our goals and actions, subsequently creating a life that is genuinely fulfilling and meaningful.

Our core desires are those profound aspirations that truly motivate us — be it creativity, connection, exploration, or achieving mastery in a specific field. They may be buried deep within us, masked by the noise of daily life or drowned out by the demands of our routine.

To uncover these, we might need to introspect, to delve beneath the surface of our consciousness and tune in to our authentic selves. After all, these core desires are the compass guiding us toward our genuine definition of success and fulfillment.

In designing a life around these desires, we may encounter challenges or obstacles. Also, a huge need to hold massive boundaries for ourselves and with others. However, these serve as opportunities for growth and evolution, equipping us with resilience and wisdom. 

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all template for life. It is a personal journey, an ongoing process of learning and adapting. So, take some time, delve into your core desires, and design the life that you truly yearn for. 

Each individual's core desires are unique, reflecting their character, experiences, and aspirations. However, there are some common themes that many people tend to gravitate toward:

  1. Growth: This could involve personal or professional development, learning new skills, or continually improving in chosen fields. 

  2. Connection: Many individuals desire deep, meaningful relationships, whether familial, romantic, or platonic. 

  3. Contribution: The desire to make a meaningful impact, or leave a legacy, is another common core desire.

  4. Autonomy: Independence and the ability to make decisions about one's life are crucial for many. 

  5. Adventure: The thirst for new experiences, exploration, and novelty is a common core desire.

Remember, identifying these core desires is just the first step. The challenge lies in designing a life that helps fulfill these desires, creating a cycle of satisfaction and happiness.

Now that you have recognized your core desires, the next step involves a shift from self-reflection to action. I recommend scheduling a meeting with your core desires to see if your decisions are going to support them.

In this meeting with your core desires, think about whether or not your future decisions will align with these. Each decision made should pass through the filter of your core desires. If a decision supports or furthers your core desires, it is worth pursuing. If it does not, then it may need to be reconsidered or adjusted.

Remember, every choice you make, be it personal or professional, should lead you closer to these desires, thereby bringing you closer to your unique definition of fulfillment and happiness.

Wishing you an amazing week filled with all that you desire.

Xoxo Ali

P.S. If you haven't already taken advantage of your FREE 30 days in Fit Woman Collective™, now is the time!

Learn more HERE.

Be sure to use code FWCLOVE at checkout.

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Letting Go of Regret: Trust in Your Past Decisions

Every decision, be it successful or not, is a stepping stone in our journey - shaping us, guiding us, and making us who we are today.


I took a moment today to reflect on a sentiment that I believe needs to be shared, regarding regret and our past decisions. 

Often, we find ourselves entangled in a no-good thought spiral that generates regret. We let it cloud our present, and cast a shadow over our future.

Every decision we make is based on the tools and information we have at hand at that moment. We make these decisions with the firm belief that they are the best for us, given the circumstances. It's important to remember that we can't predict the future, and we certainly can't change the past. 

Instead of harboring regret, let's focus on learning from our past. Or maybe, the idea that it is all data collection.

Let's understand that every decision, be it successful or not, is a stepping stone in our journey - shaping us, guiding us, and making us who we are today. 

Believe in yourself and your decisions. Know that they were the best you could do at that time. Remember, the beauty of life lies not in a flawless journey, but in our ability to grow and learn from our experiences.

Embracing your past, and the decisions that have shaped it, is an act of profound self-support. Having your own back is perhaps one of the most powerful things you can do. It's a declaration of self-love, a testament to your resilience, and above all, a reassurance that you can and will navigate whatever comes your way. 

Your past experiences have been illuminating, enabling you to see who you are authentically. Every triumph and trial, every decision and its outcome, have contributed to the unveiling of your true self. They have peeled away layers, revealed strengths you didn't know you possessed, and exposed vulnerabilities that have only made you stronger.

In the grand scheme, the past serves as a mirror reflecting your authentic self. So, honor your past, respect your decisions, and always have your own back. In doing so, you empower your present, brighten your future, and most importantly, you celebrate the incredible person that you are.

Sending you so much love!


P.S. Fit Woman Collective™ is open and offering your first 30 days free with code FWCLOVE. If you love it and decide to stay, enjoy our founding member rate of $59/month. 

Learn more HERE.

See you there!

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

The Power of Consistency for Optimal Health

Our health is not defined by the occasional indulgence, but by what we do regularly. Let the 80/20 rule guide your path to better health.

Cairn on Beach

I wanted to take a moment to talk about a crucial aspect of our health that I believe is often overlooked - consistency. 

In our pursuit of optimal well-being, the importance of consistency cannot be overstated. Just as a single meal won't make us healthy, neither will one workout. The power of health lies not in grand gestures, but in the steady, daily practice of nourishing ourselves - physically, mentally, and emotionally.

A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are the cornerstones of good health, but their benefits are only fully reaped when these actions become habitual. Similarly, maintaining good mental health requires consistent practices like mindfulness, stress management, and positive social interactions.

In essence, consistency is the key to optimal health.

It's about making small, sustainable changes to our lifestyle and sticking to them, day in and day out. It's a marathon, not a sprint, and the real victory lies in the journey, not the destination. I like to say “marry” the journey not the result.

Let's also address another powerful principle that aligns with the idea of consistency - the 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle. In the context of health, it suggests that 80% of our health outcomes are a result of 20% of our behaviors. This means we don't have to be perfect, but consistently practicing a few key healthy habits can significantly improve our overall health. 

For example, focusing on maintaining a regular schedule of moderate exercise, consuming a balanced diet filled with whole foods 80% of the time, and ensuring sufficient sleep might be the 20% effort that contributes to 80% of our health improvement. 

This principle emphasizes the importance of focusing on high-impact actions and being consistent with them, thus making our journey toward optimal health more sustainable and less overwhelming. It's about finding your unique 20% and sticking with it consistently, thereby manifesting significant positive effects on your health over time.

Remember, our health is not defined by the occasional indulgence, but by what we do regularly. Let the 80/20 rule guide your path to better health. 

In our quest for optimal health, it's crucial to relinquish the "all-or-nothing" mindset, which is often a major roadblock to maintaining consistent, healthy habits. The Pareto principle is not about achieving perfection, but about striving for consistency in making healthier choices. This principle encourages us to focus on the key actions that contribute the most to our health and maintain them consistently, rather than following a stringent, inflexible regimen that may be hard to sustain.

An "all or nothing" mindset often leads to a cycle of extremes, either completely adhering to a health routine or abandoning it entirely due to a minor setback. However, the essence of the 80/20 rule is understanding that health is a continuous journey, where consistent effort trumps occasional extremes. It's all right if you can't adhere to your healthy habits all the time; what's crucial is to get back on track and continue with those habits most of the time.

Embracing the 80/20 rule while discarding the "all-or-none" thinking can lead to a balanced, sustainable lifestyle, and significantly enhance our journey toward optimal health. Remember, it's what we do consistently that shapes our health, not what we do occasionally.

So, let's focus on consistently practicing those key healthy habits that contribute the most to our well-being, while allowing room for occasional indulgence, making our health journey enjoyable and sustainable.

You got this.


P.S. Doors are now open for Fit Woman Collective™!

Take advantage of a free month on us by using code FWCLOVE at checkout. 

You can learn more HERE! (Please note, the code must be used to take advantage of this offer.)

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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

The Power of Meditation for Your Well-being

If meditation isn’t part of your current practice, not to worry. Often we aren’t clear on the amazing benefits of meditation, so I wanted to share a little bit more today. Meditations with Dr. Ellen Cooke.


This month in my Transform® group, we are having a mediation series hosted by Dr. Ellen Cooke, a radiation oncologist and owner of Circle of Hope. She is a gifted meditation leader and you can check out her work HERE.

If meditation isn’t part of your current practice, not to worry. Often we aren’t clear on the amazing benefits of meditation, so I wanted to share a little bit more today. It is when I realized its power to help me lead with more clarity and calmness, that I became consistent.

Meditation is much more than a simple stress-reliever; it's an opportunity to reconnect with yourself and cultivate inner peace. Regular practice can help increase focus, boost mood, and improve overall health.

Through mindfulness meditation, we learn to live in the present, reducing worries about the past or future. This can lead to improved mental clarity and emotional stability. Physically, meditation can enhance the immune system, lower blood pressure, and even alter brain structure to encourage positive traits like empathy and resilience.

Incorporating meditation into your daily routine doesn't require a major time commitment. Even a quick five-minute session can make a substantial difference in your day. There are numerous guided meditation apps and websites available, making it easy to get started.

I truly believe that meditation has something to offer everyone. I wanted to share just a few of the benefits that meditation is well known for.

Lower Stress Hormones

Research consistently shows that regular meditation can indeed decrease cortisol levels, the stress hormone. High cortisol levels can lead to a variety of health issues including anxiety, depression, headaches, and insomnia. By reducing cortisol, meditation not only promotes relaxation but can also improve sleep quality, boost mood, and enhance overall well-being. Hence, meditation's role in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle goes beyond mental benefits, having a profound impact on physical health as well.

Fostering Self-Love

Indeed, meditation can significantly aid in fostering self-love, a crucial aspect of well-being that often gets overlooked. The practice of meditation allows for a deeper connection with oneself, promoting self-awareness and self-acceptance. It encourages us to step back and observe our thoughts non-judgmentally, helping to cultivate a kinder, more compassionate attitude toward ourselves. Furthermore, it enables us to embrace our imperfections and forgive our mistakes, vital steps in nurturing self-love. In this way, meditation can be a potent tool in the journey toward self-love, enhancing our inner strength and empowering us to lead more fulfilling, contented lives.

Struggling with Thought Spirals?

One of the most powerful benefits of meditation is its ability to slow down our thought spirals. In our fast-paced, constantly-connected world, it's easy to find ourselves caught in a whirlwind of thoughts and worries. This incessant mind chatter can lead to anxiety, stress, and even depression. Meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, teaches us to slow down and observe our thoughts without judgment. By creating a space between ourselves and our thoughts, we can gain perspective and prevent ourselves from being swept away by negative thought spirals. Over time, this practice can lead to a calmer and more focused mind, improved emotional regulation, and a greater sense of inner peace.

What About Optimal Weight Loss?

While meditation might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about weight loss, it can indeed play a supportive role in this journey. Meditation can help manage stress, which is often a major factor in weight gain. When we're stressed, our bodies release the hormone cortisol which can trigger cravings for high-calorie foods. By reducing stress levels, meditation can help curb these cravings.

Mindfulness meditation can foster a heightened awareness of our bodies and eating habits. This can lead to more conscious food choices, helping us avoid mindless eating and emotional overeating. It can also aid in recognizing fullness cues, which can prevent overeating. So, while meditation doesn't directly cause weight loss, it cultivates a mindset that supports healthier eating habits and a more balanced lifestyle. Therefore, incorporating meditation into a weight loss plan alongside a nutritious diet and regular physical activity could potentially enhance results.

Well, there you have it. I recommend checking out Dr. Ellen Cooke’s work; this is exactly where I began my practice.

Enjoy and talk soon!


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Unleashing the Power of the Law of Attraction

I wanted to share some of my own practices to help you better understand and leverage the Law of Attraction. Tips to attract positive energy.

Open Hands with Butterfly

I don’t know about you, but I firmly believe what we put out, we attract back - the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is a simple yet profound principle that suggests that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life. It's about focusing on the positive, visualizing your goals, and attracting them into your reality.

But how exactly do we implement this law in our daily lives? We can start today!

It's this positive energy that will attract things that will serve you. Being aware of what we are putting out there becomes easier when we take note of what is coming back to us.

I wanted to share some of my own practices to help you better understand and leverage the Law of Attraction. 

Tips for Attracting Positive Energy 

  1. Maintain Thoughts that Serve You: Growth Mindset thinking is the cornerstone of the Law of Attraction. By maintaining a growth mindset, you're more likely to attract positive experiences into your life.

  2. Visualize Success: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing your goals as if they're already achieved. This will align your energy with your goals, attracting them into your reality. Don’t skip this step!!

  3. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a gratitude practice to keep your energy positive. Appreciate the things you have and express your gratitude regularly. This can be to yourself and others.

  4. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Your environment significantly influences your energy. Surround yourself with positive people who inspire you and reinforce your positive thinking. Don’t continue to hang out in spaces that don't serve this for you.

  5. Affirmations: Use powerful affirmations consistently. Repeating positive phrases like "I am love" or "I attract positivity" can effectively change your energy and attract positive life events.

Remember, the Law of Attraction works best when you believe in it and practice it consistently. Even if you just become more aware of what energy you are putting into the world, you are well on your way to attracting all the amazing things that you desire.


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Ali Novitsky, MD Ali Novitsky, MD

Embracing Positivity: Letting Go of Negative Energy!

I firmly believe that by embracing positivity and consciously releasing negativity, we can elevate our energy significantly. Here is how I approach this.

Balloons in Sky

I want to address an important topic that I believe resonates with all of us at some point in our lives – letting go of negative energy.

Life can sometimes throw curveballs our way, challenging our peace of mind and overall well-being. However, I firmly believe that by embracing positivity and consciously releasing negativity, we can elevate our energy significantly.

Here is how I approach letting go:

  1. Acknowledge and accept: The first step toward releasing negative energy is acknowledging it. Recognize the emotions, thoughts, or situations that bring you down and accept that they exist. By acknowledging them, you allow yourself to work on finding ways to let go.

  2. Surround yourself with positivity: Surrounding ourselves with positive influences can have a tremendous impact on our mindset. Seek out people, books, music, or even online communities that uplift and inspire you. Together, we can create an environment that fosters growth and happiness.

  3. Practice self-care: Taking care of ourselves is essential in maintaining a positive mindset. Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it's exercising, meditating, painting, or simply spending quality time with loved ones. Remember, self-care is not selfish; it's a vital part of nurturing our mental and emotional well-being.

  4. Focus on gratitude: Gratitude has transformative power. By shifting our attention to the things we are grateful for, we can redirect our energy toward positivity. Take a moment each day to reflect on the blessings in your life, big or small. It's incredible how this simple practice can change our perspective.

  5. Let go of what no longer serves you: Negative energy can sometimes stem from holding onto past experiences or relationships that no longer serve us. Learning to let go, forgive, and move forward is crucial for our personal growth. Remember, forgiveness is about freeing ourselves from the burden of negativity.

One of my all time favorite messages is: it’s not what happens, it’s how we handle it. When we all commit to releasing the negative and embracing the positive, we can inspire and uplift each other, creating a ripple effect of love and light in the world.

With love and gratitude,


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